7 Things You Must Avoid to Keep Your Newborn Baby Healthy

7 Things You Must Avoid to Keep Your Newborn Baby Healthy

Welcoming a newborn into the world is an incredible experience, but it also comes with a great responsibility to ensure the health and well-being of the little one. Given how fragile newborns are and how much special care they require, you, as a parent or their caregiver, must do all you can to make sure that they stay healthy. 

Of course, taking care of a newborn in such a fashion is easier said than done. A lot of work is required if you are to keep your child safe and healthy. 

That being said, here are some of the things you must avoid if you are to keep your newborn baby healthy.

Exposure to Illnesses

Compared to a teenager or an adult, a newborn baby has a weaker immune system. As a result, they are highly susceptible to infections and diseases as well as injuries. As their parents, it’s crucial that you minimize their exposure to illness-causing germs. 

You must avoid bringing your baby to places that are crowded, especially when it’s flu season or when there’s an outbreak of a contagious disease, as it was during the initial stages of COVID-19. You should also encourage anyone who handles your baby to wash their hands thoroughly and with sanitizer before holding or even touching them. 

Stopping the spread of germs is also important here. You must restrict your baby’s contact with anyone who has a cold, fever, or any other infectious illness. After all, prevention is better than cure, especially when it’s a newborn we’re talking about. 

Secondhand Smoke

Exposure to secondhand smoke is extremely harmful to newborns. It increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), respiratory infections, asthma, and other health problems.

If you or anyone in your household smokes, it’s crucial to quit or smoke outside the house, far away from your baby. Ensure that visitors also refrain from smoking near the baby.

Using Unsafe Baby Products

As per the latest talcum powder lawsuit update, there have been reports that many popular baby powder brands, including Johnson & Johnson, can cause cancer. This is mainly due to the talc used in these products. Cases have been observed where the usage of talcum baby powder has led to ovarian cancer or mesothelioma. 

According to TorHoerman Law, the Talcum Powder Lawsuits could settle for $100,000 to $1 million. The high settlement amounts show how dangerous and unsafe these baby products are. Similarly, there are many other such baby products that contain harmful chemicals and can cause immense harm to your baby that you must be aware of. 

Keep a close eye on the ingredients of the baby products you buy. Cross-check on the internet to see if their chemical composition or physical structure can harm your baby or not before you buy them. 

Improper Sleeping Environment

Creating a safe sleep environment is vital for your newborn’s health. Avoid placing your baby on soft surfaces, such as adult beds, couches, or pillows, as they pose a suffocation risk. Instead, provide a firm and flat crib or bassinet with a fitted sheet. 

Remove any blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, or crib bumpers from the sleeping area to reduce the risk of suffocation or overheating. The baby’s sleep space should be free of hazards.


Adults can regulate their body temperatures far better than newborns. Since newborns struggle to regulate their body temperature, they’re prone to overheating in various instances. 

You must avoid dressing your child in too many layers. At the same time, you have to make sure that the room temperature you’re keeping your baby in is not too high. 

Always dress your newborn in lightweight and breathable clothes. If you’re using a blanket, it, too, should be a light one. You can monitor your baby’s temperature by feeling their neck and chest. Use a thermometer if necessary. Add or remove layers based on the temperature of your surroundings. 

Improper Feeding

Proper nutrition is crucial for a newborn’s growth and development. Avoid feeding your baby any solid foods before they are ready, usually around six months of age. Breast milk will be your newborn’s primary source of nutrition. If not, opt for a safe baby formula as per the advice of your doctor. 

If you’re breastfeeding, ensure you follow proper hygiene and techniques to prevent infections. If you’re using a formula, carefully measure and prepare it according to the instructions provided.

Neglecting Vaccinations

Immunizations play a vital role in protecting your newborn from various preventable diseases. Vaccines help strengthen your baby’s immune system and provide essential protection against potentially life-threatening illnesses. Stay informed about the recommended vaccines and make sure your baby receives them on time.

In addition to these specific points, it’s essential to prioritize general hygiene and cleanliness to keep your newborn healthy. Regularly wash your hands before handling the baby or preparing their food. The utensils your baby uses should also be thoroughly washed. 

When a newborn is under your care, it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed. However, if you can avoid the things discussed above, caring for your newborn child will become much easier.  

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