Role of Cloud Security for Education in Today’s World

Cloud Security for Education

There is a shoulder rise in data security concerns after educational organizations started adopting cloud technology. Things are getting digital in school and colleges but, these new technical concept’s acquiring leads to loss of visibility into how staff and faculty access and work with confidential information. In today’s date, there are several education’s authorities who are unaware of cloud computing data protection. In fact, they are unaware of the harsh side of cloud technology. This unawareness will surely increase chances for hackers to perform data breach. Therefore, cloud security for education is equally important as in IT industries or healthcare organizations. This blog explains the importance of CASB solutions in educational cloud security and suggests one of the best service providers.

CASB Solution for Education Cloud Security

  1. Gain Control over Data Visibility – In today’s arena where people want to finish things in shortest time period, educational platforms are incessantly searching for a foster more efficient collaboration and data sharing within their premises. They achieve cloud technology to share information in between school management units and parents. But, there persists an information security risk in this. Things come with an increased collaboration security challenge because staff members or other users unwillingly make use of unsafe and risky cloud resources to work in their day-to-day life. The cloud security for education permits the use of sanctioned cloud applications like Office 365, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. It also identifies shadow cloud services, which are currently in use and renders a descriptive rating for every service.
  2. Create A Boundary for Safe File Sharing – CASB cloud service enables an efficient document sharing and collaborative platform between different departments and institutions. The document can be any like student record, staff record, marksheet database, etc. Educational authorities can enable the IT-sanctioned cloud services with the help of data security controls. These will encrypt all the files or content with controlled keys of the firm or data tokenization algorithm can be used, before uploading files in the cloud. This will make data useless for all the 3rd parties, which resides outside the defined security boundary. Ensure the encryption strength by becoming a FIPS 140-2 compliant.
  3. Meet Compliance Regulatory Requirements – This cloud security for education service applies policies over the storage space where information is to be uploaded and apply laws of data residence. A set of controls can be chosen like contextual access control, encryption, DLP, etc., on basis of regulatory needs. For instance – inspect and restrict the uploads over high-risk file sharing, if they comprise confidential information. This functionality is dependent on DLP policies or encryption on all PHI (or, Protected Health Information) available in the SaaS cloud platform with enterprise-controlled keys.
  4. Stop Data Breach and Cyber Threats – The system analysis engine renders a machine learning for identifying pattern of usage. This education cloud security technique seems simple but, is significant to compete with a security threat. Combined with information from SIEMs and different analysis apps, you might get a clear image of the end user’s behavior. It helps in identifying and stopping inadvertent or malicious content loss. CASB solution is having the capability to detect threats, risk-mitigating actions can automatically be taken, like sudden temporary suspension of insider threat or forced multi-factor authentication when an account is compromised.
  5. Determine and Close Leakage Gaps – As per the defined by information security policies, several enterprises restrict high-risk associated services. These policies are applied because of the introduction of new web URLs, exception sprawl, and inconsistent policies over the proxy server and firewall. This cloud security for education assesses all the policy enforcement gaps and renders existing firewalls and proxy infrastructure to fill them. Users coaching, enabling partial use like real-only and blocking, is used in this technique.


There exist several educational firms, which are totally unaware of cybercrime. They use SaaS application for work flexibility and other common needs but, do not protect account in a required manner. It is really a serious worrying point because this unawareness can anytime lead to high financial loss or affect the reputation of educational organization. Therefore, employees working in this field should spread awareness about cloud security for education. They should adopt CASB cloud service like CloudCodes to keep their educational campus and computerized data both safe and secure.

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